Monday, March 27, 2017

Wk 19 BJF Mar 23

💮 Der Fruhling ist entsprungen, 
das Gras ist auferstanden, 
ich frage mich, 
wo dies Birdies sind. 🐦

Elder Fuller says he has gone from 5 layers to 3 so it must be SPRING at last.  He has sent a ton of pictures, although none of springtime yet, maybe this week. He did such a good job taking these and I am sure he would not mind sharing them.

I don't know the story behind these pics yet but it's fun to see the gaudy adornments that have their own beauty.  So much work went into these structures.  It is interesting to see European churches.  The first picture is a museum though, I think. 

Ben's statement about all of these big cathedrals in Germany is that "they are all empty". 

Wk 14 RLF Mar 27

💜💛  ⚘  Hello Spring 🎕 💛💜
Girona, Spain is beautiful with some of the exact same flora and fauna as we are seeing here in TX.
Enjoy 👀

Wisteria looks amazing!

Wk 13 RLF Mar 20

Meet Hermana Richey who has been out ~1 yr and is Hermana's Trainer.

 Well howdy! Uhhh, TRANSFERS!! AND I definitely assassinated my companion this week. Whoa. Que fuerte. Es verdad. 

So this week has been a little tougher. I'm not sure why but it was all just travelling travelling so I didn't feel like we got to work as much as we wanted. But NO MAS! My new companion isn't even gonna know what hit her. 
Person in the street? Oh look Hermana Fuller is talking to them!
Building needs to be knocked? Guess what Hermana Fuller is already inside knocking! 
The plan for this transfer is to make the Hermanas more famous in Girona. The service we are going to find and do is going to be out of this world. Literally every single person is gonna know who we are when we walk down the street. No child of God will be passed, no door will be unknocked, we're literally going to have to split with the members constantly because there will be too many investigators. I am determined to work until my shoes are only strings. 

My new companions name is Hermana Richie,  she has about a year in the mission so I'm excited to learn and grow from her.  I haven't gotten her from the train yet but after that we are going to go back to Girona and put all her stuff away, and then come back to barcelona and the mission home for the trainer meeting.  So Hermana Muñoz and I are temporary companions right now and we will be tomorrow as well.  

So the name of our zone is baptizing badalona.  Our mantra is Invite daily - Baptize weekly

These missionaries are so intense.  They seriously are so serious and they do not play when it comes to the work, but they're some of the best people I've ever met.  And the people here oh my goodness incredible faith.  I just love Spain so so much. 
I have learned so much this week.  It was rough.  It was actually the hardest on my mission so far.  But you know what?  I learned so much.  I know God answers prayers,   and I know we are each special to him and he is aware of each of us and knows exactly what we are going through.  I know that he will teach us through our trials.  Trust in God with all you have and give it all to the savior, he will make your burdens light and he will give you the strength to fight through absolutely anything.  

I'm so sorry that I can't respond to anyone this week.   We only have about an hour and a half cause we have to go pick up our companions.   I love you all so much and I want you respond but if I didn't just know i will next week:)  

Love Hermana Fuller 

What pretty girlies!

And cool too...peace out bruh.

Wk 13 DTF Mar 20

Sorry its been so long since I've written to y'all, a lot has happened and i haven't been able to get time to write home. But I'll fix that today!
Why i didn't email last week is actually a story, I learned that God has a funny way of answering prayers sometimes. It was preparation day so we had a little time to mess around. We were a solid six miles deep in the forest looking for elephants. Despite how big they are it can be hard to find them in such vast spaces of land (we only found foot prints and what they had for dinner). Anyway! Out of the blue my stomach started hurting like crazy, It felt like a low-land gorilla through a car battery right at my navel, It got so bad that I had to sit down and pray.  i prayed and asked the lord to relieve the pain. As soon as i finished the prayer, i stood up, walked a couple steps and then threw up all over my new sandals (eww). My stomach stopped hurting but the whole trek home and for the rest of the night i was vomiting like a garden hose on full blast. Elder Estimer started doing the same thing that night, We narrowed it down to the fact that we were the only ones who ate some mangos that morning and we didn't wash them. So people moral of the story is PLEASE wash your mangos!
Also a couple weeks ago while we were out proselyting we ran across some Wazungu (white people) from London, They were members of the church! As we got to talking we learned that they were in Kenya to build a house for a couple orphans that they sponsor. So since were missionaries we decided to do some service! We got the rest of the elders in the area and were there the next day building this house which these crazy British gents, I felt like i was back in Tonga for a little while it was great! Its one of the nicest houses in the area now, Its got brick walls, cement floors, and a light in every room!
That's all i got for today! I hope Y'all have a great week! Love you guys!
Much love - Elder Fuller

He said they got filthy dirty but very happy to help.

Interesting investigators, they look very attentive indeed.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Wk 18 BJF Mar 16

For Letters and Packages:

Elder Benjamin James Fuller
Germany Frankfurt Mission
Kirche Jesu Christi
Corneliusstrasse 18
60325 Frankfurt am Main

So this week we saw the end of the Offenbach tripanionship, As we sent
E. HolyOak back to Wiesbaden with his new missionary and we shipped E.
Davis back to America (maybe in a box) either way that was an
expensive package to send. I believe he's still on his plane as I
write this.

I am now working with a new companion named E. Adams. Another
missionary out of Utah, Not quite as secluded as E. Davis was but he's
still "in the bubble" as we'd call it. He's an oddball but we should
get along just find. He's very talkative and quite good at contacting
people on the street, something I still don't like doing so he makes
up for it.
He was first in a area called "Solligen" if you're familiar with knife
makers you'll probably know the place as that's what the city is
famous for. He's got some interesting stories from that area. In
particular he really likes thrift shopping, so maybe we'll start
tracking down some German thrift stores haha.

On Tuesday we spent the day in Frankfurt trading E. HolyOak for E.
Adams. In the in between time we helped set up a street display for
the new missionaries. We essentially just set up some BoMs in many
languages and a few pictures of Christ set on a table in the
"Fußgänger Zentrum" where plenty of people are then set the
missionaries loose on the unsuspecting public.
They have displays regularly in Frankfurt and an especially big one
for each group of new missionaries that come in. So I got to take one
of these newbies and strike up conversations with people. Remembering
where I was my first day I know how nervous this poor guy was. So
naturally I tried making him as uncomfortable as possible trying to
contact even though he spoke no German. I'm not a very nice person.
But we had a lot of fun. It was cool to see the difference in where I
am now vs. 5 months ago.

Today we helped a young member paint his new Wohnung. It went quick
but I noticed how different the young Germans speak from the older
Germans. Course I'm guessing that's how it is in English too.

Otherwise I'm going to spend the next week getting used to working
with E. Adams and hopefully we'll see some cool stuff, I think I've
been sick for a few weeks and haven't noticed til now, and the weather
seems to be getting warm here for some unknown reason, were walking
around in T-shirts I didn't think that was possible til mid summer.

Hope life is good and y'all can recognize the little everyday miracles.

Große Liebe -Elder Füller
This picture about sums up how the drit was.
I got a bit of paint on me, my poor jeans

Seltsam Bildern

Wk 12A RLF Mar 13

I made aprons for these Hermanas!

What's for dinner?

Apparently bananas for dinner.

Or maybe not...

Another day - Another companion

Wk 12 RLF Mar 13

Rachel is going to miss her trainer companion Hermana Laine.  She is finished with her mission now and is heading back home to Finland.  They had a great time together and were effective as companions.  They even got to make a video together.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Wk 18A BJF Mar 16

Elders Davis and Fuller have been companions for the last 4 months.  He is now at the end of his time there in Offenbach and will be going home to Utah.  A bittersweet good-bye for these two home's cool Benjamins.