Monday, October 30, 2017

Week 44 DTF Oct 23

African safari anyone?!
Wait! Is that a...

Why yes! Wanna race?
What? Are those...
Eleph I know!

Look! Its a...
Water buffalo pool party!
I can't see...
Okay! Back to work Elders!!

Week 45 RLF Oct 30

So many great Hermanas in Barcelona!

Week 50 BJF Oct 26

I say he is thinking, "I don't remember the last time I was at a McDs."
Surely that is not McDonald's.

They had the whole Frankfurt mission together at once to hear Elder Ballard speak. There are 180 including senior couples. Ben is not in this picture so don't even try. I scoured it and pretty sure I found his ear when I read that he and his comp didn't make it into the picture.
Here he is! What an amazing, memorable picture for him since several here have been his companions at one time or another.

Week 45 DTF Oct 30

Viewing these gentle giants up close in their natural habitat must be an amazing experience and one Daniel will not soon forget.

Week 44 RLF Oct 23

Rachel loves her new companion.  Meet Hermana Finch.  Why does Rachel look like the Grinch with H. Finch?

 This is the famous Paella, that is supposedly delicious off the coast of Spain.
It is so cool that Rach is teaching Africans and Ben is teaching Spaniards. Now Dan just needs to teach some Germans!

Week 49 BJF Oct 19

Is that Dapple? Sancho's donkey? Wait that's Spain's Don Quixote!
 Well howdy,

I suppose it's about time I send out an update on the German happenings.

Christmas seems to have come very early this year. The district has
randomly become excited about Weihnachten despite the fact that it
doesn't come for another month and a half... and I seem to have joined
in on the premature holiday frivolities.
Granted at home I wouldn't dare start celebrating til at least after
Thanksgiving but as a missionary in Germany, Christmas is simply
always the best time of the year. The sisters in my district are
particularly excited and I've found myself humming a few holiday tunes
while pulling out my winter clothes and attempting not to skip the
other holidays. I'm only slightly freaking out.

In other news, our mission has suddenly been given Facebook. A lot of
missions use it to get in contact with the people they teach so
somebody thinks it will work on the Germans too.
As a rule just so y'all know, as a missionary I'm not allowed to
respond to anything you lovely people are doing on Social media in
order to keep my focus here. So just don't be too surprised when I'm
suddenly back on the internet dropping general conference quotes in
some foreign language :)

As for mission life, our main Spanish man is out of the country so
we're hoping we'll be able to keep working with him while he's
traveling. (Probably using Facebook)
We've also got another friend who popped up almost out of nowhere.
He's from Nigeria and we met with him a few times but he kind of just
went under the radar for a little while as we didn't think he had too
much interest. Last week he suddenly came to general conference and
then the following Sunday. And now he has a date for baptism. I didn't
expect that at all.
We've got the opportunity this Saturday to go with him to Duisburg for
the baptism of their legendary investigator (from Ghana, was mentioned
previously). It should be quite the party.

Last week we went to a Roman museum. Unfortunately they wouldn't let
us play frisbee in the coliseum.
Today we went to a oversized mall and just wasted time. About sums it up.

Nothing too exciting yet, I hope y'all are doing fantastic, and I'll
talk to ya später.

Liebe -Elder Fuller

In Wesel quaint clean cobblestone streets...  

 wreak havoc on this elder's very nice shoes. Looks like he needs a new sole, not soul!
I love these cute Elder's expressions waiting for the train in rain.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Week 43 DTF Oct 16

Hey everybody! 

These past weeks have been pretty okay! 
I met a woman who was 120 years old! granted she was bed ridden and couldn't speak and out of her mind but it was cool, It seems like people live a lot longer here then they do in the states.

As well we got to go to this huge game preserve named Tsavo here in our area as a zone activity! It was super sick! we walked up on this watering hole and didn't see the buffalo that were coming to grab a drink, flip! Elder Cox and i got out of there faster then a chubby hipster runs to a taco truck. We got to go to this place called shatani mlima or "Satan's Mountain" Which was a huge hill formed out of tiny volcanic rock! It was steep so when we were done we slid down the side and got going pretty fast. We saw soo much cool stuff!

As well in my new area we cover two places "mtito andei" and "nzayo" and so far I love working in Nzayo the most! it's a lot like my last area. but we have this one mzee we are teaching named brother Francis and he is the best old man ever! He only has one leg so he rides around on this wheelchair everywhere, and he always wears the same bright pink bucket hat and he is the best! we invited him to church but he said he couldn't because his wheelchair was broken, We thought that was a lousy excuse so we showed up early and carried him there. It was great. 

Anywho! love all of you so much! 

Week 43 RLF Oct 16

Rachel says this Hermana is like the little sister she never had.  Although now if she becomes trainer, H. Baker will be her daughter.
Fun with the Vic District never ends!  Elder F. in the blue is who she flew to Spain from Texas with back in December 2016.

Week 48 BJF Oct 12

Visiting the museum at the Xanten Colliseum.
At long last I get to see a picture of a German windmill!
Beautiful old church.
Love the belfry and is that a gold angel blowing a horn???

Week 42 DTF Oct 9

"Excuse that a log?"

"Uh, NO!" At least he is...smiling??

Speaking of smiling!!  I am so grateful our Elder is happy in Africa.  They are usually pleasant but many have never seen a white man.  Some are not so favorable but he says he has gotten used to being called a mzungu.

Week 42 RLF Oct 9

I would say the caption here would have to be, "Say yes to this book!"

She is meeting such great people!  I think this gent is the latest one with a baptismal date.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Week 47 BJF Oct 5

Yes Papi, it's the same bridge. We intended to go get some pictures on it
but we didn't get the chance last Pday. We drive past it every time we take
a bus to Xanten (which happens too often). I asked our ward mission leader
about it and he told me the WW2 stories you mentioned.....but in German of
course hehe.

We got to watch conference this last weekend over satellite in the Wesel
church Building. It was pretty much just E. Yorgy and I making nachos and
watching the sessions back to back but we haven't seen the Sunday evening
yet and I don't know if we'll get the chance. I'd have to say E. Holland's
talk from the one we watched from the Saturday morning session (I think, I
dunno da time) was my favorite.

Yo Elder D pay attention to his talk when you get around to watching it,
I'm sure it will be your favorite too.

Home Theater? Yuuuuhhh sounds fabulous. There are so many movies we've got
to watch. I keep hearing about so many. Btw papa have you heard of a movie
called Dunkirk? The story from the bridge reminded me of seeing a few

Supposedly it's really good, especially for a WWII movie. (I'll probably be
watching a lot of those later so I can find the Germans hehe)

Drachenberg Castle

Week 41 DTF Oct 2

Wait! Hold the that Pumba??