Thursday, May 25, 2017

Wk 28 BJF May 25

Hilfe! das Pferd Frisst der heilige kartoffel!
*(Help! The horse eats the sacred potato? Well that's a random way to start off a letter.)

It's been a couple weeks since I did much emailing so I'll piece
together the interesting parts.

We've been working much more with the rest of the district, the Bonn
Sisters and the Euskirchen Elders.
They're all crazy and it's wonderful. So you'll see some pictures of them.

As for the Bonn missionary work....we're spending a lot of time
getting in contact with people and trying to help those people we do
have continue to make progress. However our miracle investigator got
deported about a week before his baptism which was bit of a blow to
Elder W. and I. But we're sure he'll go be a miracle for some other
set of missionaries.
Overall It's about finding the people who are ready. Germans are
wonderful people and usually very nice except when you speak to them
about their least favorite subject...religion. Which just so happens
to be our job. so ist das Leben.

Last Pday we played frisbee in the rain and made waffles.

*Hey those look just like the ones I posted!  So he is eating them in front of me AND everyone else after all, eh?!  Well I will just have to go out and buy one of those so when he comes home he will have one, of course.  Note: It is all about his needs, not my insatiable desire for German waffles!!

The following week we went to a zoo in Köln and saw quite a variety of
animals in rather nice enclosures (nicer than any I've seen) with some
animals who are native to America but not to Europe so seeing a
Buffalo as an "exotic" attraction was odd since in Texas I lived next
to a field of them haha.
Today we're going out to Köln again to visit a chocolate museum and
for a holiday "Christi Himmel fahrt" which is just another excuse for
Germans to get drunk, we'll see if anything ridiculous happens.

As an example of drunk German entertainment, A few weeks ago I crammed
into a train with people wall to wall. As I was contemplating how to
talk to someone 6 inches away from my face, a group of drunks broke
out into a well versed song about their favorite ways to cook
breakfast accompanied by some attempted dancing which wasn't so
successful in the cramped train and thus was hilarious.
They would then chant anything and everything, which some silly
American took advantage of and had them chant "aussteigen" which
essentially means "to get out/exit".
At the next stop and to my surprise they followed the chant and got
off even though it wasn't yet their stop. It was beautiful, and a few
rather ugly laughs ensued.

One last note on the last picture, earlier we payed a visit to the
Jehovahs Witness' headquarters here in Bonn. We made some faces and
took some pictures....They weren't at all happy to see us and didn't
open the gate even though we had cookies, but we certainly had some
fun hehehe.

Ben's dream come true...a comp that makes faces like him!
So yes I am still alive, my companion and I get along schwimmenly, we
bought way to much chocolate today, and I have yet to try Schnitzel.
I'll let the pictures/video do the rest of the talking/screaming. Bis
nächste Woche.

*Schnitzel as you may know is:  Wiener schnitzel is the same things as schnitzel, right? Not quite. There's some confusion surrounding the schnitzel family of foods — which one is made with veal? Which isn't? It turns out the difference between the two isn't what's most surprising about these dishes — it's what they have in common.

Schnitzel Is a Cooking Method

Pounding a piece of meat into tender submission and then lightly coating that meat in a flour, egg, and breadcrumb mixture and quickly pan-frying the whole thing is called "schnitzel." Food historians debate the true origins of the method, but Austrians have claimed it as their own, making the dish something of a national treasure. Schnitzel can be found everywhere from high-end restaurants to street carts and, of course, at home.
Hallmarks of schnitzel include very thin meat and a thin crisp coating. Schnitzel is most often served with cranberry jam and warm potato salad, but it can also be served simply with a bed of greens and a lemon for squeezing onto the meat just before eating.

Wiener Schnitzel Means Veal

True wiener schnitzel is the only schnitzel made with veal and is protected as such under Austrian law. Unfortunately, schnitzel and wiener schnitzel are often used interchangeably on menus throughout the rest of the world, so be sure to inquire as to whether the schnitzel in question is made with veal or pork — another popular preparation and what we use in our recipe.
German schnitzel (or Schweineschnitzel) is traditionally made with pork chops that are also thinly breaded and fried in a tender crisp coating.

Another Infamous Schnitzel

To add to the confusion, there is a chain of hot dog restaurants named "Wienerschnitzel" that was born in Illinois during the 1960s. While Wienerschnitzel are infamous for their chili dogs, burgers, and soft-serve ice cream, there isn't a single schnitzel to be found on their menu.
Sorry about that...a blog is for reading though, right?  Now see there, you learned something new...congratulations!  🐄🐷🐔

*Bis nachste Woche means: Until Next Week...or Veek, ha.

Wk 22 DTF May 22

Hello you wonderful people of whom i love so dearly!
So I got transferred out of Mombasa! I am now in an area called Mbukoni! IT'S BUSH! not just kind of bushy either no no no... We're talking Bushier then my eyebrows bush! There is nothing out here but cows, mountains, and mud huts! Its the only biking area in the mission to so i got this awesome Heep of rolling tetanus that is probably older then time and i love it! Gonna take it off some sweet jumps. 
Not to much time today! I love and miss all of you!
1. Wait that's not coco powder...
2. If you put it up to your ear you can hear the ocean!
3. My African bungalow

Honestly I wept at the prospect of my boy living here. But this is the way it is there in Africa.  The people are happy and work hard.  They are devoted to their families and live simply.  They are humble and love God.  They recognize his gospel when it is introduced to them.
The rainy season is making things green up!

The heap of rolling tetanus!
His dad wants to buy him rubber handle bars.  This is a hard way to build up callouses.  He had them while weight lifting but they didn't start out as broken blisters.  Tetanus is right!

Here is Elder TT's blog for the last time. They were only together for one transfer but I am sure it was long enough to be friends forever.  These comps go through some very memorable times together bringing souls unto Christ.

What is up my homies?

So this week i dont have many stories for you but we did get transfer news and i will be getting a brand new straight from the mtc missionary.  He is from zimbabwe so it should be fun when we go meet people and they have to talk to the mzungu instead of the african haha. but here goes for stories.

story number 1; I dont need that joke elders
So on sundays when people are getting transfered usually the missionary leaving gives his testimony.  However when we got to church and told the person conducting that Elder Fuller is leaving, he just laughed and said i dont need that hoke elders.  And He wouldn't believe us.  so we announced it again in priesthood, and the branch president is like why didn't you give his testimony?! our defense being "We told malande!" at this point malande stands up and states "Wait you aren't joking, what?!!?!? so elder fuller didn't get to give his testimony and it was quite funny.  Looks like i will have some explaining to do next sunday.

story 2: Conductor Battles!!
So since we weren't sure if either of elder Fuller or me were staying in mombasa for any longer, we decided to  mess with the conductors as much as we could.  SO when you get close to a conductor if you are white, the usually say my friend! so we just started being really good friends, and like shouting i have never had a friend before, we can go to the store, and have sleepovers and eat candy and all that fun stuff, then they just look at us wierd and drive away.  one time elder fuller followed this guy all the way to his matatu, almost stepped in and dabbed then turned around and walked out.  THe other matatu conductors just laguhed their heads off and the one who got swerved was just furious.  He started yelling at fuller in swahili but i couldn't translate cause i was on the ground rolling in the mud laughing.

Anyways have a great week you guys love you all

Sincerly Elder Tucker

p.s. camels are dinosaurs fact

Here is a link to an amazing article about the LDS church where Daniel is currently serving:

Wk 22 RLF May 22

Look!  It's our favorite Germanas!

We were noticing how different these tags are. They have 2 sets of name tags.  Catalan is different in subtle ways.

Well dear friends and family, here we are, 3 days from my 5 month mark. It is going by too fast!!! Time needs to slow down.  
I never want to not be a missionary.
 Its literally the best to be able to talk about Christ to whom ever I want.  I can literally go up to a random person, tell them Im  not from Spain and ask them if I can get to know them better, and they're alllike, HECK YEAH!! So then we talk a minute until they ask why I'm in Spain nd this is where it gets fun, I say I'm a missionary for the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, Boom and then testify about  how families can be together forever BOOM Bang and suddenly I have their name number and address and a time to meet with them next week.  

Or sometimes it's even easier.  Sometimes we're walking through a town of Gypsies and they ask us if we're the Mormons and we say Heck yes!  And they tell us we're beautiful and we say thanks and invite them to come to family home evening with us and all 9 of them say sure, no problem! So we will see what happens Tuesday when we meet with these amazing Gypsies.  

Then sometimes, we have a family of inactive members who introduce us to their non member cousin, and he gets baptized by the inactive dad.  And they all come to church and are incredible.  SOMETIMES THAT HAPPENS 

And then sometimes nothing happens, literally everyone cancels their appointment, they basically all stop talking to us, and we have no investigators to meet with.  

Or sometimes you get into a Sita where some people want to Bible bash, and your companion literally owns them but they still refuse to accept that we know what we're talking about.  

Sometimes it's all miracles and you and your companion are owning the streets, and sometimes, it's emotionally so trying you can barely roll out of bed without wanting to cry.  

But you wake up on time anyway
You say your prayers anyway. 
You study everyday anyway. 
You contact the mean looking Spanish lady, or the creepy drunk man anyway. 

Because this is the lords time, not yours.  
Because this is the lords work and you're going to do it his way, and you're going to be perfectly obedient, because that's how you get miracles and we ended all the help we can get.  

Hug a missionary, feed a missionary, help the missionaries we can't do it without the members.  

I know this church is true, and I love being a missionary.  It's been almost 5 months and I can't imagine doing anything else.  

The work will roll forth no matter what, the Lord is building his kingdom and we get to be apart of it!!! 
 Best thing ever.  

I love you all!! Talk to you next week

Wk 27 BJF May 18

Words to live by according to Elder F this week.  I completely agree and the confusion also stems from the length of letters to produce simple sounds. Ich liebe dich!

I added this one. "Let's see, can I buy a vowel?"

I found this in some funny German memes. It basically says vacuum.

Mother's Day & Rachel's Birthday May 14

I was so lucky to be able to talk to Rachel from Spain today!  It is rare for her birthday to land on Mother's Day, but rarer still to be able to talk to her and her brothers.  We were all able to sing to her together from 3 continents, 4 countries and 3 different time zones.

We did it through Skype and Rusty (not me) brilliantly managed to get a clip here for all to see (which will be coming soon). Technology is so amazing!

These missionaries are pretty incredible and they all sounded so happy and committed in their love for the Lord and those He has asked them to serve.  I am so thankful for the blessings and opportunities he affords us each day so that we can learn to become like our Heavenly Father.  His tender mercies and their ability to see the miracles God performs on a daily basis, keeps them focused on being the best they can be as they introduce the gospel to those who are seeking.  Many are from other countries now.  Benjamin carries 4 different BofM with him. Their Pday is on Thurs because people are home Monday and easier to contact. He and Rachel show many teaching aids on their IPads that most missionaries carry.  Daniel carries a flip phone that he and his companion share and hands out pamphlets in the streets. Generally people don't stay in their houses during the hot days in Africa and are reachable and teachable outside.

Each has a method that has been tried and true in the areas they are serving.  With inspired leadership they use the best tools available in order to be effective in their work and ministry.  I think of them continually as I go about my day since they are challenged to stay focused and are busy all day long contacting people and developing a great love for those who show an interest.  They teach them with great love and care.  The challenge seems to be going without radio, news, television, movies, or entertainment through social media that daily distracts all the rest of us.  They are fixed on their faith that through obedience to the God's commandments and rules of the mission, they will be led to those who are praying for help because something is missing in their lives. The Holy Ghost is also known as the Still Small Voice and the Comforter.  Heavenly direction and personal revelation come in the form of promptings that need limited distraction in order to be heard. They are looking for those who see and recognize the light and knowledge of the gospel to change their lives. Gospel means Good News!

I am so thankful for my 3 kiddos who are serving the Lord together in the Mission Field. As I heard each of them bare their testimony in their language, the words just rolled off of their tongues like they had been doing it for awhile.  Becoming fluent, they may not know every word in the language, but they will understand and know the language of the Spirit.  I look at myself here holding Benjamin and think how little I knew about life and parenthood. I have learned so much through the years and I have grown. I have learned that “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.” Einstein said that and I agree. My love for these little tikes and their Father has grown and will continue to grow throughout all eternity.

Wk 21 DTF May 15

Enoch in Nampa, ID

Dearest Daniel,
What a blast! I am so excited to see you so happy. You take things in stride with complete unwavering trust in the Lord. Thank you Dan for inspiring us all. We miss having you around but now I get to treasure my Mother's Day gift!
I will put the video of it on the google drive so you can download and watch for next pday.
Keep up the good work and remember how very much we love you and are proud of you. Saying goodbye was brutal and way too soon. I did read about other mishmommas out of power. Some could only talk without video. We were so blessed to be able to video chat in 4 countries, 3 continents in 3 time zones. I consider that a mighty miracle. God uses these means for His purposes.
Dear Ma,
A miracle i needed for sure! but for all my excitement i made a foolish mistake. i forgot to wish my loving mother a happy mothers day. i love you mom, thank you for everything yopu do. i miss you like crazy. 
Love, D

Elders F and T with their Muslim convert.
He called these the Jesus Caves but that is all I know, ha.
How much would they charge for a ride in this Matatu?
 From Elder Tucker:
 I will share some pictures I got.  Last monday it was raining a ton!  After emailing we went outside and the roads were covered in water, not just a little but they had turned into rivers, literally! We were almost swimming when we were trying to get home it was a blast we had so much fun!  For the most part the water was up to our knees.

Here are some more stories for you, cause I know that's what you skim over these for ( cause lets be real who actually reads this.)

Story number one!
"Elder you up for a run?"- Elder Fuller
So on this run/swim home, it was impossible to get a matatu.  We ended up walking towards home for about two hours.  After about an hour of walking Elder fuller looked ant me and asked this oh so wonderful question.  We proceeded to run through the flooded streets of Mombasa at night, screaming the song "Singing in the Rain", and sprinting through puddles.  At one point Elder Fuller thought he was stepping in a little ditch-ish thing and it turned out to be a creek so he just falls in to water about to his pecs and is screaming!  It was so funny we had an awesome time.

Story Number 2!
We had a baptism!!! This was with a brother named H. he was a Muslim when he got married the first time but his wife divorced him and took everything and left him with his two kids.  He got remarried to a Christian woman and she died and her last words to him were "Find god"  whatever religion he felt comfortable in. It was just really spiritual, so he showed up to the church one day. After teaching him the plan of salvation he got super happy.  Now he is baptized and he is super awesome!  The baptism was kinda fun though because we don't have an actual chapel, so the church has these like protable fonts, which are essentially blue dumpsters. I got to baptize someone in a big blue dumpster, and it was absolutely fantastic.  I am so glad to be helping these people come unto christ!

Story Number 3! 
I actually had a drunk man who was scared for Jesus here because in the bible it says "he will come as a thief in the night", so he was saying"if jesus comes as a thief in the night, the kenyan government will burn him because that is what they do to thieves".  Sometimes people take the bible so literally it is hilarious.

As well this week I got to talk to my family and that was an awesome experience.  Just two more times then I will be headed home.  Still feels like I am super new on mission.

Also to my mom, I love you and happy mothers day, to all the mothers who read this.  Also to the Missionary Mommas of Kenya and around the world, I am grateful for all the prayers and faith you give us you don't know how much it means to us missionaries!

Love Elder Tucker

Wk 21 RLF May 15

I don't know if you can print out stories to read later but that would be nice cuz I could send you a ton. I love that you posted The Race!
Here is one I condensed it is one that is floating around now from Elder Strong in Ghana. He thot the first 3mos were an adventure, getting water, making his own food, etc. Then reality started to set in and he could not believe he was teaching right on the street sitting on the ground across from a sewer. He was actually really struggling with it and asking if this is how the Lord wanted him to spend his time. One day was particularly bad and he was thinking of calling it quits. About that time, he saw a Utah Jazz jersey on a boy walking up to him. He asked if he could see it. He was so excited to see something familiar, something from America. Upon closer inspection the jersey was for junior jazz team that he was apart of growing up. This one had his same number "0". It could not be but he turned it inside out just to see, and there was his name scribbled when he was 10yrs old. His mom gave to goodwill years before but here it was right now in Africa, right before his eyes! How could it be? The odds were astronomical! Yet for this Elder, he knew that it was a message from God directly to him that he was exactly where he needed to be and the Lord knew the needs of his heart.
I love this true story!
I love you Rachel and I know the Lord will see to the needs and inmost desires of your heart. He lives today. He loves us!

So super stoked and excited to be able to talk to you in a week!! 

I hope you saw the time best for Dan is after 4.
