Monday, March 19, 2018

Week 71 BJF Mar

Ben is enjoying Bamberg with his companion Elder Garner from Arizona.  They are hitting it hard and meeting lots of people from many different countries who have chosen to live in Germany.  This part is not actually near the Reine where he has been since leaving Frankfurt.  There are many more old buildings that were not destroyed in the war since they turned the lights off in the city at night so they managed to escape many of the bombings.

After his Christmas package debacle, we had a very nice gent in our ward offer to take a package to him on his trip to visit his brother near Frankfurt. I immediately filled a box hoping he would replace it with gifts for his wife, thus justifying the size of it, ha. It wasn't that big but it would have cost at least $60. I filled with lots of fun stuff including a back scratcher. I told Benjamin I had hoped to see pics of the valentine sunglasses and lip suckers.  This is what he gave me.  It's proof anyway...πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ’—πŸ˜˜

Week 65 RLF Mar

I can't believe how fast time flies! 
Well it's been a whirlwind couple of weeks. I'm in a four man piso in Zaragoza and it's a BLAST
We have been working here together in Zaragoza for about a week and the miracles we have seen are incredible!!
We have felt the love of the lord and seen the MIRACLES.  We know that as we make the Lord our partner in completing his will we will accomplish all that he has asked us to do.
i know that there is so much potential here.
We are working so hard to get everything organized in such a way that no one will be lost. There are so many people we have the chance to pass by and so many we get to meet.
We started our passbys last week off with a beautiful blessing from the lord. We went to pass by a woman named Katia and it turns out she was meeting with the elders regularly about a year ago but because she's evangelical she doesn't see the reason for needing to be baptized in a different church. We decided to teach about the book of mormΓ³n and invite her to read it. She seemed very excited although she doesn't have much time she said she would try.
The spirit was there and were excited to help her to understand so that she has the opportunity to accept the gospel.
We have a friend named Kingsley who has a Fecha for the 10th he is from Ghana and he agrees with everything but he seems to be nave a little fear to change. But I have faith and I know that the lord will help him receive a confirmation so that he really can change his life and bless his family. 
and today for preperacion day we just played a ton of sports and ran around and acted dlike crazy people in SPORTS CLOTHES!!! WHAT?? hermana Fuller didn't wear a skirt?? No... No I didn't.  Although my sneakers are basically destroyed it makes me feel good to know I'm wearing them out. 
It's like the transfer of working out, my companion loves taking the stairs and so do I (dat booty doe) and so we always run everywhere and take the stairs and do abs on the daily it's literally amazing!! We're sore constantly but it's a good feeling. 
There's a good connection,  if you are always pushing yourself physically it will be easier to grow spiritually... Don't know why it works that way but it does. 
The lord loves us and I have literally seen how he fulfills every need we have if we only follow his will. 
It's pretty incredible.  

I love the lord and I'll sacrifice anything so that I can prove it :) 
What could you sacrifice from your life that keeps you from going where the lord is? 

Hermana Fuller 

Hands caught in the candy jar!!

Rachel's uke!! I will post a vid of her playing it.

Rachel is training now and she is so excited to be able to help this new Hermana get her footing in the beautiful country of Spain.

Awhile back I posted about Rachel teaching the sister and Benjamin teaching the brother who now lives in Germany.  This is a part-member family and they have both mentioned how wonderful it would be to be able to come back and see them all sealed together in the temple some day.  Here are some details from her:

Yeah so it's a big family. 
Mom and dad are not members. Oldest son not a member oldest daughter I'm not sure
2 kids on missions
2 kids at home that want to go on missions. 
Yeah it would be incredible to be able to go to the temple when they get sealed!  
All the pieces do matter but really... We're just tools the longer we're out here the more we realize we are just pens in the masters hand... He's got his plans and we do his will and we get to see a miracle baptism.. If we're very very blessed. 

Week 65 DTF Mar

There is a great deal of flooding right now in Nairobi Kenya. I asked him how it was effecting the work:

It's not too bad to the point where all life stops but a matatu ride that should take 30 minutes now takes 2 hours which is kinda not cool. 

Had a lovely day today,  bought some milk for some fundi gentlemen to help me make a bush knife just in case I go back to ukombani and I need to go into the bush again. accidentally set myself on fire kidogo (dont tell mom) but the end product I am most pleased with. Also my companion learned how to make cow hoof stew which is aparently very good if you need some energy. tastes like Beef soup. and I have finally found a good workout routine for mission which I think you will be happy with because it involves "mastering my body weight" which is something I would like to do.

We are teaching some awesome people at the moment but things are slow. one of my favorite people we are meeting with now Is a single mother of two named sister ragina, her first born is 10 and has seribral palsy so he cannot communicate or do things the way most do, but he is a wonderful young man. in our first lesson we told her the church's outlook on those with mental and physical disabilities and she hasn't missed church ever since. she already has good friends in the church and believes strongly in the doctrine, you could say she is "golden". apparently all the other churches she has gone to people try to "heal" her son which kind of offended her since she knows how special he is. Kenyan pastors are funny to be honest. I know if I didn't have the church in my life I would most definitely not be going to any church haha. thankful for my upbringing and the gospel I got.
I love you guys I hope you know that. be sure to share this with mom, I didn't write much in my response to her and I feel bad haha. 
also I put some more rants up in the drive for y'all. 

Here is my short letter:

Hey mahm! thanks for sharing that lovelyness.

The shoes are elder jack's I was just borrowing them cuz I forgot mine haha. and yeah flooding is bad, we have had to change plans and direction many a times because of it. The city hasnt seen anything like this for a long time. Im not sure if it's record breaking or just above average but there is alot of it. 

Love yoooouuuu!!!

My guess is they are praying for the gecko before sending him back into the wild.