Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Week 74 BJF Apr

Don’t have much time to write, so it will be rather short.
Was a fabulous week with all sorts of Happenings. Conference was a highlight and we’ve spent a lot of time in Coburg. Still doing the mission stuff. Life is pretty swell. Gonna be spending most of next week in Nürnberg so that’ll be fun.

Hope y’all are doing fantastic, have a nice week.

-Elder Füller

Just one picture for ya;
We got together with a bunch of missionaries, played some sports, and went to a carnival in the rain. Was a good time. Wasn’t really planned either. 

Servus Leute,

We’ve officially graduated from wearing 4 layers of jackets to the now wonderful sweater weather of spring. The warm weather is welcome not just because we’re no longer Eldercicles but the weather has brought something else with it....Tourists. 
Bambergs population seemed to explode over night the moment the cold was gone. The streets are now often littered with 100s people from all over the place who’ve come to visit. That’s good for us because ya know....we’re missionaries...so the more people the better.
Last week my companion actually stopped a couple from my home town of Arlington! They were confused at first since he started off in german but once we found out they were Americans we got excited. Nice people.

Otherwise we’re just knocking on doors, stopping people on the streets, trying to keep our little branch of members afloat. For Easter the Europe recently put out a video all about Jesus. We’ve been showing it on the streets and people seem to like it. It’s cute and the stupid song is always stuck in my head. Here is the English version, Enjoy haha.

Today we got to play Fußball with a bunch of Persian chaps. Didn’t understand most of what they were saying but we had a great time. I’m now known as Elder Benjamin to a dozen random Farsi speaking dudes.

Sadly I don’t have much time but I hope y’all are doing well in this nice Easter season.

Bis später,
 -Elder Fuller

A special treat for something that only happens in Germany apparently cuz I ain't never seen anything like this here!

Week 68 DTF Apr

for real that was an epic conference! The vibes were so cool. everyone was laughing and pre nelson was like a pleasant patient grandfather who loves all of us. 
What was your favorite talk?

man that takes some work playing for two days! I have a much greater appreciation for piano playing since I came to kenya. we do alot of acapella here haha. 

man that boy is going to kill it out there. Im so excited to see him when he gets back!

ah they joke alot. I know enough to make people think I know some haha. it is a pool of lies.  But yeah what would you guys like? I have some ideas and I already have some stuff picked out but Let me know.

Love you Mom!

PS i kissed a giraffe!

Week 68 RLF Apr

It's been a while. I hope you're all doing well and feelin like a million bucks.go spend yuself

So I'm in Zaragoza!   I'm in a 4 man piso! I'm officially an old missionary! I'm a professional at talking to everyone on the street even high people or drunk people.. Wow the stories!haha just kidding I am not professional by any means 
I've learned what not to do in lessons with people and how to let the spirit teach. 
Something incredible that I've learned recently is just how amazing the gospel of Jesus Christ really is. 
I feel like it's so interesting as we teach the plan of salvation we talk about how there are three kingdoms. The gospel of Jesus christ in its fulness gets us to the celestial kingdom or exhalation or the opportunity to become like God. That's the little extra piece that no other religion teaches. The the whole purpose as to why we're here.
Everyone gets to live again and everyone gets to Live in a place that is way better than this world but the point of the church of Jesus christ of latter day saints is to help us learn and grow and become our best possible selves so that we will be comfortable in the presence of God.
We all have to go through hard stuff but when we accept the will of God at least we know there's a point to all the suffering. 

That's my little tid bit 
My companions name is hermana Helton and she is amazing.
The wind is so strong here sometimes it sounds like the building is coming down 
It's called cierzo. 
See mi madre if you want to see the video that explains what is cierzo. 

I'm sorry I don't email I have a goal to do better these last few months. I hopefully I'll have a better story or something for you next time :)