He is saying schlingel which I thought was squirrel, but it means rascal hahahaha!! |
Watch here @ In the Treetops
Ayyy momma,
I did where my socks. Sadly that was the only patriotic part of today/yesterday. Hard to celebrate with only two Americans who are too busy doing other stuff. (See attached photo)
That must've been quite the show with Dad. His guitar skills have always been low key but when he whips them out it's always cool.
That really is quite a way to celebrate haha.
I did get the folk music indeed. I had already been laughing for three or four songs by the time E. Davis filmed it. It just tickled me just right haha. Even funnier is what some of the lines are. In one the guy says "the mountains are my chapel and the yodel is my prayer, I just really hope God can understand it." (In German of course) That one killed me when I first heard it. Course it's with a thick Swiss accent so E. Davis didn't get it the first time and just looked at me like I was crazy haha.
These next two transfers will be my last two so if President Boyer wants me anywhere else he'll need to move me now. Otherwise I'll end here. E Davis and I keep arguing about who's moving first since we both got here at the same time.
Love ya mama, thanks for the update, thanks for the support, thanks in advance for the Root Beer, have some photos.
- Elder Fuller
P.s. this email was sent late due to lack of Wi-Fi